October - Sprinting in Rome, Madrid and Bangkok


🏃‍♂️ TL;DR

I almost missed seeing the Colisseum for the first time in my life because I was looking at my phone, rather than through the window of the bus. October was the beginning of a massive realisation of how amazing this moment of my life actually is.

The fact that I am reflecting about October in December says a lot about how intense life has been lately.

🍋 Thoughts

Intimacy > Attention : the key is on empathetic resonance
To generate a relevant bond with someone new you need to be in the same page. The usual conversation where you are measuring your cocks against each other, rather than listening to the person in front of you, causes distance.

It is not about being the center of attention, but generating multiple intimate connections at different levels.

Ideologies are unquestioned starting packs.
Once you buy into an ideology, you’re setting for a prebuilt package that will make you believe in stuff you don’t actually believe. Specially now, a moment in history where information sources are barely questioned, and we believe in ideas that resonate with our prior ideas, rather than listen to those that question ourselves.

Don’t skip diagnosis: try to understand the problem before solving it.
We rush to find a solution skipping the diagnosis bit. A fundamental bit. But our short attention spans push us towards solving without analysis, leading to half-baked solutions that vaguely solve our initial problem. And then we ignore it. And then it comes back bigger overtime.

Tiktok and Reels stop you from falling in love.
Unless you’re a psychopath, when you’re about to go on a date you normally get nervous. Specially, if you have had a ‘standard’ week and this meet up comes as a sudden dopamine hit on a random Thursday. If you spent many hours on social media that week, feasting on dopamine all week long, your date night won’t be worth it. Your dopamine levels are so high that the date does not make a difference, and the chemical magic does not happen. You’re not excited, and you have nothing to fight for because your phone is equally as exciting. And then you’re alone in your bed watching tiktok until 2am again.

🗳️ What’s going on now

  • Most important lessons in school are not learnt during classes, but during breaks

  • Ask someone else: “what do you think is the thing I like the most about myself?” 

  • Track app downloads to identify niches

  • A few cool questions for startups:

    • (Feature) what do you have that is exceptional? 

    • (Team) What’s the second best thing you’ve done in your life aside from this project?

    • (Product) How are you planning to make your product the most attractive app in the market?

    • (Traction) What’s your social proof.

“Uber is the largest taxi company in the world and doesn’t own a single one”.


i think you and i have the exact same values and I’m really inspired by how you live them. you have a perfect blend of living each day for each day but also understanding how to make tomorrow a good day too. i admire you. you’re pretty cool and i hope you’re having a wonderful fin de semana.

💎 Inspiration

💙 Cheers

Emi, Mili, Mechi, Cat, Federico, Lex, Matteo, Filipe, Luca, Talent mates, Oleh, Caolun, Seba, Ine, Juanjo, Luis, Carlos, Diego, Alex, Dieguito, Manu, Juampi, Sacha, Papá, las gordas, Pilu, la Lula, Juli, Feli, Fifi, la Abu, mamá, Jacqui, Anita, Bily, Dima, Pache, Edu, David, el Abuelo, Joan, Elsa, Joan, Raquel, Alex.

November was unpredictably life changing. I’ll share it with you soon. I am still putting the shards together after lots of professional/personal movement.