27 learnings from 2024.

This idea started a year ago with a post similar to the one you will read now. I wanted to make sure I left a moment to reflect every month, and I can say I did it and proof is here. In a nutshell: grateful and what a fucking amazing year, but I clearly did not see what was coming. Read for some detail.

đŸƒâ€â™‚ïž TL;DR

Plan less, do more, and commit lots of mistakes.

If positive, well done.

If negative, you have an anecdote to tell.

đŸ„‚ 27 learnings, a few pics and a playlist.

  1. We don’t really know what we are doing, regardless of how much we pretend we have everything under control. Learn how to freestyle.

  2. A self-declared ‘black sheep' will always remain alone. Nobody will come to understand your emotions unless you guide people through them. If you feel nobody understands you, maybe it is not their fault. We are not that important, and people barely care about others.

  3. Following your gut and betting on your vision is the biggest privilege out there. Understanding your gut and vision can be wrong, and still be willing to take the risk and follow that path, is both humbling and empowering.

  4. Emotional relationships will teach you about yourself. Be caring to the partners you have had in your life, forget the negative bits that made you break up, and cherish the positive memories.

  5. The more you share what you learn, the more you will polish your insights and help the world develop. We are one genius away from saving the world - provide your bit to the cause and share your learnings.

  6. You do not have to be the center of attention all the time to be successful. Develop ideas that do not slave you.

  7. Draw your limits with your friends and family. You are who you are, and limits help the rest understand that. People will still love you even if you’re a bit tough on the lines you draw. Be flexible, understanding, but also protect yourself and understand what you’re willing to tolerate.

  8. Commit mistakes. Mistakes are only called mistakes in the present, in the future they are called “learnings”. Sounding a bit mrwonderful in here fuck.

  9. Let your work and actions speak for yourself. Don’t be that person bragging about the stories where he/she was the hero. Everybody finds Frozone cooler than Mr Incredible.

  10. The output of a process will be your only judge. If it is good, you’re a genius. If bad, you’re crazy. However, if you don’t try, you’re just judging. And, as we said, the only judge that matters is the output.

  11. Don’t waste time talking about other people’s lives unless it is to reference them as a positive influence. We hate too much with little argument to do so. Just don’t be a cunt, basically.

  12. The ability to read the context and identify the narrative will make your ideas more comprehensible. AI (still) struggles to do so because this is intrinsically human. Don’t force things into a context, learn to adapt by listening carefully.

  13. Avoid self-referencing your life for every point you make. There is no need to relate every point somebody else made to your own experience.

  14. Stop thinking people will steal your ideas. Share them, expose them to opinions, and find cool people who dare to tell you your idea is shit.

  15. A decision is made before you find the arguments to back it up. Most of what we do is irrational and emotional, which is perfect. We spend more time trying to justify our decisions, than thinking about what’s the right way to go.

  16. Don’t buy into anyone’s ideas. Build your own, and learn how to say “I don’t know” more often. Listen and question, we have a lifetime to drone on about what we know. Don’t become the boring uncle in the table too early.

  17. Do not allow your self-esteem to depend on being in control of the environment you’re in. Build comfort on uncertainty, and learn how to feel at ease when you don’t understand what is going on. I am lucky to enjoy being the dumbest of all my colleagues.

  18. Create a space where everybody belongs to. Allow people to open, listen and leave judgement behind. Empathic resonance creates better relationships long term.

  19. Lies are noisy, truth is silent. Underpromise and overdeliver

  20. Hold your anger and be patient. Leave time for diagnosis, and learn how to dissociate from the problem. Maybe is distance, maybe is time, but I can bet an outburst won’t fix it.

  21. Essence is non-negotiable, but it is mutant. Today, we’re not who we will be all our lives. Allow yourself to be criticised and be proud of changing your opinions often.

  22. Finding my fight has helped better understand myself. I find confort betting on an alternative financial/governance system knowing that it has lots of flaws. I feel lucky to have the chance to contribute to a movement that’s trying to change the system we are in.

  23. Emotions only make sense when tied to memories. Emotions are hard to understand, but memories are anecdotes with an impact in our personality. I still have not cracked the trick to be more present, and I struggle to look into the past, reason why I believe I struggle to understand what I feel. Don’t know, still working on this, but feels like I have something cool to think about.

  24. Just do nothing every now and then, or do stuff that can’t be measured.

  25. Accumulated anger is a recipe for disaster. Let go, solve the real problems and don’t let your anger wear you down. Accumulated anger is some sort of cancer that makes you a less cooler person to hang around with.

  26. Build your privacy bubble. Find an area to build where you are not influenced by others opinions and you allow yourself to be whatever you want to be. Only include the right people within the bubble. Not everyone can give an opinion on everything.

  27. I’m more afraid of not living than of dying

To wrap it up, this year left a lot of reflexion on my past. I opened those gates to re-experience and understand a bit better where do I come from, what I have experienced, and that has given me some sad moments, as well as some to be proud of.

I know I have had an atypical life, and certain experiences need to be reviewed to understand the impact they had. These probably made me more sensitive throughout the year, or selfish, or cold.

Now it feels like the darkest moment of opening and reflecting on all these has passed, and now that I know how I feel, I can move on to the amazing things that 2025 have for us. Vamo’.

💙 Cheers

Abu, Adi, Adri, Agnes, Agus, Aicha, Albert, Ales y Dieguito, Alex, Ali, Alvi, Andrés, Anita, Anto, Apa, Ash, Aurelie, Bea, Bili, Bily, Buri, Byld Crew, Calvi, Cande, Caolun, Carlos, Carri, Cas, Cat, Cato, Cañi, Celia, Charles, Chema, Clara y su bebota, Clau, Coqui, Cou, Cris, Cris F, Cris R, Cubo, Dani, David, David y Pache, Dima, Dominic, Edu, Eldar, Eli, Elsa, Elver, Emi, Ernesto, Esther, Evgeni, Eze, Fabi, Fabri, Federico, Feli, Felicia, Felipe, Fer, Fifi, Filipe, Flor, Futre, Gabi, Gale, Gems, Gerardo, Germån, Giulia, Guada, Guardi, Guille y los chicos de box, Gustavo, Ike, Ine, Ines, Iñi, JC, JJ, Jacqui, Jaime, James, Javi, Jessy, Jesus, Joan, Joaquín, Joe, Jon, Jones, Jordi, Jose María, João, Juampi, Juan, Juan Cruz, Juancito, Juanjo, Julen, Juli, Julia, Julito, Juls, Karen, Kevin, Klaus, Kris, Lau, Lavi, Leandro, Lex, Livi, Liza, Lola, Lore, Lu, Luca, Luchi, Lucho, Luigi, Luis, Lula, Luqui, Luquita, M, Mai, Mamå, Manu, Mar, Martin, Martu, Matteo, Mauri, Max, Maxi, Mechi, Mehdi, Merchu, Meri, Miguel, Mike, Mechi, Mila, Mili, Milu, Miquel, Miriam, Nachi, Nachito, Nacho, Nats, Niamh, Nick, Nicki, Nico, Oleh, Oli, Olimpia y Lola, Pa, Pablo, Pache, Paco, Palma, Palo, Pancho, Papå, Patricio, Patrick, Pau, Paul, Pcbo, Pedrito, Pedro, Phil, Pilu, Pove, Puli, Rama, Raquel, Rodri, Roge, Rosi, Rubén, Sacha, Sandra, Santi, Santi 23, Sara, Sarah, Sarita, Seba, Silvia, Sof, Sofi, Sonia, Stef, Steve, Steven, Sun, Tadeo, Tal, Talent mates, Tom, Tomi, Tommy, Vale 23, Valen, Veek, Vero, Victor, Zerjon, el Abuelo, el Duki <3, el futre y el garcha, la Lula, las gordas, los pibes de La Casita, el primo Juan.